SALI Player Role

# Code Set Level Code Full Code   Short Name Name   Description
SALI Player Role  APPL  APPL  Appellant  Appellant  An appellant is a person, company or entity that applies to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
Comment: Process: Dispute: Appellate
SALI Player Role  APPT  APPT  Applicant/Petitioner  Applicant/Petitioner  An applicant or petitioner is a person who files a petition or makes an application or the person who is applying for a legal remedy to a problem.
Tags: Applicant; Petitioner
Comment: Process: Dispute
SALI Player Role  AQRE  AQRE  Acquiree  Acquiree  An acquiree is a company or entity that is being acquired or purchased in a merger or acquisition transaction. The acquiree is also known as the target firm during a takeover scenario.
Comment: Process: Transaction: Merger and Acquisition
SALI Player Role  AQRR  AQRR  Acquiror  Acquiror  An acquiror is the surviving company or entity once a merger takes place.
Comment: Process: Transaction: Merger and Acquisition
SALI Player Role  ARBT  ARBT  Arbitrator  Arbitrator  An arbitrator is an independent person or body appointed to hear a dispute in arbitration.
Comment: Process: Disputes
SALI Player Role  ASGE  ASGE  Assignee  Assignee  An assignee is a person, company or entity who receives the transfer of property, title or rights from a contract. The assignee receives the transfer from the assignor.
Comment: Process: Transaction
SALI Player Role  ASGR  ASGR  Assignor  Assignor  An assignor is a person, company or entity who transfers rights they hold to another entity. The assignor transfers to the assignee.
Comment: Process: Transaction
SALI Player Role  BORR  BORR  Borrower  Borrower  A borrower is a person, company, or entity that obtains funds from a business or individual for a specified period of time upon condition of promising to repay the loan.
Comment: Process: Transaction: Loan
SALI Player Role  BROK  BROK  Broker  Broker  A broker is an individual or firm employed by others to plan and organize sales or negotiate contracts for a commission.
Comment: Process: Transaction
10  SALI Player Role  BUYR  BUYR  Buyer  Buyer  A buyer or purchaser generally means a person, company or entity contracting with a seller for services or merchandise to be provided or delivered for a named individual. In a strict legal sense, a buyer may also include someone who acquires title to something by deed, devise, execution, prescription, possession, occupancy, or escheat.
Tags: Buyer; Purchaser; Vendee
Comment: Process: Transaction
11  SALI Player Role  CRED  CRED  Creditor  Creditor  A creditor is a person or company to whom money is owed. Also, a party to which a bankruptcy debtor owes money.
Tags: Creditor; Lender
Comment: Process: Transaction; Bankruptcy
12  SALI Player Role  OCUC  CRED-OCUC  - Creditors' Committee  Creditors' Committee  A creditors' committee serves to represent the interests of unsecured creditors in bankruptcy court proceedings and also in negotiations between the debtor and other groups. The entity defined by U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Section 1102(a)(1) to represent unsecured creditors.
Tags: Creditors' Committee; Official Committe of Unsecured Creditors
Comment: Process: Bankruptcy
13  SALI Player Role  SCRD  CRED-SCRD  - Secured Creditor  Secured Creditor  A secured creditor is any creditor or lender associated with an investment in or issuance of a credit product backed by collateral. Secured creditors have a first-order claim on the payouts of a distressed credit investment.
Tags: Secured Creditor; Secured Lender
14  SALI Player Role  UCRD  CRED-UCRD  - Unsecured Creditor  Unsecured Creditor  An unsecured creditor is an individual or institution that lends money without obtaining specified assets as collateral. If a borrower fails to make payment on debt that is unsecured, the creditor cannot take any of the borrower's assets without winning a lawsuit first.
Tags: Unsecured Creditor; Unsecured Lender
Comment: Process: Transaction; Bankruptcy
15  SALI Player Role  DBIP  DBIP  Debtor-In-Possesion  Debtor-In-Possesion  A debtor in possession in United States bankruptcy law is a person or corporation who has filed a bankruptcy petition, but remains in possession of property upon which a creditor has a lien or similar security interest.
Comment: Process: Bankruptcy
16  SALI Player Role  DEBT  DEBT  Debtor  Debtor  A debtor is a person or institution that owes a sum of money. Also, a debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding.
Comment: Process: Transaction; Bankruptcy
17  SALI Player Role  DEFT  DEFT  Defendant  Defendant  A defendant or respondent is a person or group against whom a criminal or civil action is brought. Actions include dispute matters (litigation, arbitration or mediation) or bankruptcy matters.
Tags: Defendant; Respondent
Comment: Process: Dispute; Bankruptcy
18  SALI Player Role  DIRC  DIRC  Director  Director  A director is the head of an organization, either elected or appointed, who generally has certain powers and duties relating to management or administration. A corporation's board of directors is composed of a group of people who are elected by the shareholders to make important company policy decisions.
19  SALI Player Role  DLER  DLER  Dealer  Dealer  A dealer is a person, company, or entity that buys and sells securities for his or her or its own account and not for others.
Comment: Process: Transaction
20  SALI Player Role  EMPE  EMPE  Employee  Employee  An employee is a person who is hired for a wage, salary, fee or payment to perform work for an employer.
Comment: Process: Transactions
21  SALI Player Role  EMPR  EMPR  Employer  Employer  An employer is a person or entity who hires another to performs service under an express or implied agreement and has control, or the right to control, over the manner and means of performing the services. An employer has the right to control an employee.
Comment: Process: Transactions
22  SALI Player Role  EXCH  EXCH  Exchange  Exchange  An exchange is a marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded.
Comment: Process: Transaction
23  SALI Player Role  EXPT  EXPT  Expert  Expert  An expert is a person engaged on behalf of a party or party in interest to a dispute to provide services as a consulting or testifying expert. (A testifying expert would also be a "witness.")
Comment: Process: Disputes
24  SALI Player Role  INCO  INCO  Independent Committee  Independent Committee  An independent committee is a group of people assembled to conduct an activity independent of the management of a company, often in connection with an internal investigation or approval of an interested party transaction. Also known as a "special committee."
Tags: Independent Committee; Special Committee
Comment: Process: Dispute
25  SALI Player Role  INEX  INEX  Investigator/Examiner  Investigator/Examiner  An investigator or examiner person or group that conducts investigations or examinations on behalf of a governmental criminal or regulatory agency or self-regulatory organization, or in connection with internal, congressional, or other investigations.
Comment: Process: Dispute
26  SALI Player Role  INVR  INVR  Investor  Investor  An investor is a person, company or entity that qualifies under the Securities Act of 1933 and related Securities and Exchange Commission regulations as one having sufficient knowledge and expertise in financial matters to weigh the value and risks of an investment.
Comment: Process: Transaction
27  SALI Player Role  ISSU  ISSU  Issuer  Issuer  An issuer is a legal entity that develops, registers and sells securities to finance its operations. Issuers may be corporations, investment trusts, or domestic or foreign governments.
Comment: Process: Transaction
28  SALI Player Role  JUDG  JUDG  Judge  Judge  A judge is a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law.
Comment: Process: Disputes
29  SALI Player Role  LESE  LESE  Lessee  Lessee  A lessee is a person or entity that holds the lease of a property; a tenant.
Tags: Lessee; Tenant
Comment: Process: Transaction: Lease
30  SALI Player Role  LESR  LESR  Lessor  Lessor  A lessor is a person or entity that leases or lets a property to another; a landlord.
Tags: Landlord; Lessor
Comment: Process: Transaction: Lease
31  SALI Player Role  LICE  LICE  Licensee  Licensee  A licensee is a person or entity to whom a license is granted. A licensee has the license to use someone else's specified property such as a building, a land or intellectual property.
Comment: Process: Transaction
32  SALI Player Role  LICR  LICR  Licensor  Licensor  A licensor is person or entity with exclusive legal rights over a thing or, acting as agent for the owner, gives, sells or otherwise surrenders to another a limited right to use that thing.
Comment: Process: Transaction
33  SALI Player Role  MDTR  MDTR  Mediator  Mediator  A mediator is an independent person or body appointed to mediate a dispute.
Comment: Process: Dispute
34  SALI Player Role  MNTR  MNTR  Monitor  Monitor  Under Canadian Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), a Monitor is an independent third party who is appointed by the Court to monitor the company's ongoing operations and assist with the filing and voting on the Plan of Arrangement.
35  SALI Player Role  PART  PART  Partner  Partner  A partner is an individual who is a member of a partnership - an entity formed when at least two or more individuals agree to go into business with one another.
Comment: Process: Transaction
36  SALI Player Role  GENP  PART-GENP  - General Partner  General Partner  A general partner is an owner of a partnership. Often, a general partner either plays an active role in the company's daily operations or is a managing partner. A general partner for a business can act on the company's behalf.
Comment: Process: Transaction
37  SALI Player Role  LTDP  PART-LTDP  - Limited Partner  Limited Partner  A limited partner is a part-owner of a company whose liability for the firm's debts cannot exceed the amount that individual invested in the company. Limited partners are often called silent partners.
Comment: Process Transaction
38  SALI Player Role  PLTF  PLTF  Plaintiff  Plaintiff  A plaintiff, complainant, or claimant is a person who brings a civil or criminal action against another person or entity in a dispute.
Tags: Claimant; Complainant; Plaintiff
Comment: Process: Dispute
39  SALI Player Role  RESP  RESP  Respondent  Respondent  The respondent is the party against whom a petition is filed, especially one on appeal. The respondent can be either the plaintiff or the defendant from the court below, as either party can appeal the decision thereby making themselves the petitioner and their adversary the respondent.
Comment: Process: Dispute: Appellate
40  SALI Player Role  SELR  SELR  Seller  Seller  A seller is a person, company or entity who sells a thing or property in exchange for other property (often money). One who disposes of a thing in consideration of money.
Tags: Seller; Supplier; Vendor
Comment: Process: Transaction
41  SALI Player Role  SHAR  SHAR  Shareholder  Shareholder  A shareholder, also referred to as a stockholder, is any person, company, or institution that owns at least one share of a company’s stock (equity).
Tags: Shareholder; Stockholder
42  SALI Player Role  TRUS  TRUS  Trustee  Trustee  A trustee is an individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified.
43  SALI Player Role  UNDW  UNDW  Underwriter  Underwriter  An underwriter is an individual or institution that underwrites a financial transaction. Underwriting is the process by which an underwriter takes on financial risk for a fee. The risk most typically involves loans, insurance, or investments.
Comment: Process: Transaction
44  SALI Player Role  WITN  WITN  Witness  Witness  A witness or non-party is a person or entity called upon to produce documents or provide testimony or other information in connection with a dispute or proceeding (and not a party to the dispute or proceeding).
Tags: Non-Party; Witness
Comment: Process: Dispute